第1巻 第1号(2018年12月)

2018年 12月 第1巻 第1号 掲載 原著論文査読あり

  • 大学生の精神健康状態の推移と心理的変化の関連
  • Successive changes in the mental health of university students and their relationship to psychological changes
  • 村井 佳比子(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Keiko Murai(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)
  • 天満 沙紀(神戸学院大学大学院人間文化学研究科)
  • Saki Tenma(Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University)

要 旨

 This study aimed to understand the time of year when university students' mental health tends to change, as well as to examine the relationship between mental health transitions and psychological changes. The participants included 90 university students who completed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) on a weekly basis for 14 weeks. Furthermore, they completed TEG-II and the Tree-Drawing test at two time points. Within these samples, we found that mental health issues began to rise at the beginning of a new semester and that it was more effective to carry out screening tests in May or June when students' mental health was more stable. In terms of psychological changes, our findings suggested that, regardless of the presence of mental health issues, the students' activities and interests toward others increased and they tended to refrain from assertiveness and respect others, which might have led to mental health problems. On the other hand, changes in the Tree-Drawing tests differed substantially among individuals, thus making it difficult to find a relationship between the results of the drawing tests and their mental health conditions. Future research should study individual long-term psychological and mental health changes.

Key words :university students, successive changes in mental health, Tree-Drawing test, psychological changes

Kobe Gakuin University Journal of Psychology
2018, Vol.1, No.1, pp.25-31
