第2巻 第1号(2019年12月)

2019年 12月 第2巻 第1号 掲載 原著論文査読あり

  • 訓示的教示アプローチによる日本人の中国文化適応の促進
  • Facilitation of Chinese-cultural adaptation for Japanese people by didactic teaching approaches:
    The effects of a seminar on cross-cultural adaptation for Japanese residents in Dalian of China.
  • 毛  新華(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Xinhua Mao(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)
  • 清水 寛之(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Hiroyuki Shimizu(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)

要 旨

 Although there is a demand for many Japanese residents in China so as to adapt to Chinese culture, they have not been fully received appropriate psychological supports until now. In this study, using a training of cross-cultural adaptation via "didactic teaching" approach, the knowledge on communication in a different culture and characteristic interpersonal relation of China was incorporated in a seminar. The training was carried out for 12 Japanese office workers (experimental group) who were stationed in Dalian, China. In addition, other 8 Japanese office employees (control group) held a round-table discussion to chart their experience of staying without acquiring the content of cross-cultural adaptation. In order to verify the effects of the training, before and after the seminar/discussion, all of the participants answered a scale that was developed on the basis of the contents which were used in the seminar. As a result, whereas there was no difference in the scale scores of the prior evaluation, the experimental group scored significantly higher than the control group in the post evaluation not only in general score but also in several items by ANCOVA analysis. The reason why the scores of items were improved was discussed in relation to the content of the execution in the seminar.

Key words : didactic teaching, Chinese-cultural adaptation, Japanese.

Kobe Gakuin University Journal of Psychology
2019, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-8
