第2巻 第2号(2020年3月)

2020年 3月 第2巻 第2号 掲載 研究報告査読なし

  • 履歴の違いによる反応提示効果の差
  • Differences in the effect of presenting responses due to differences between histories:
    Preliminary experiment for developing a program of measuring response variability within an individual
  • 村井 佳比子(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Keiko Murai(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)

要 旨

 The aim of the present experiment was to examine the effects of presenting responses of oneself due to the differences between various histories, as a part of the development of a program to verify a procedure of “seeing responses of oneself”. The participants were six undergraduate students, who were randomly divided into two groups: Group A, which was presented with a procedure of “seeing responses of oneself” in the middle, and Group B, which was presented with a procedure of “seeing responses of oneself” first. The results showed that the response variability of Group A changed according to the program, but the response variability of Group B tended to remain at a higher level. The response variability of both groups was not significant in the baseline, indicating that history affected response variability. Further studies are needed to clarify the effect of history in the experiment.

Key words : response variability, effect of presenting responses, comparison within an individual, translational research

Kobe Gakuin University Journal of Psychology
2020, Vol.2, No.2, pp.89−94
