第4巻 第1号(2021年12月)

2021年 12月 第4巻 第1号 掲載 原著論文査読あり

  • The relationship between temperament of conformity, the belief in a just world,
    and the practice of COVID-19 countermeasures in Japan
  • Kazuhisa NAGAYA(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)

要 旨

 The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of individuals’ conformity and belief in a just world (BJW) on their practice of countermeasures against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Japan. Between April and May 2021, a survey was conducted with students attending a university in Hyogo Prefecture, where COVID-19 was re-emerging. The results of the analysis showed that countermeasures that were easy to assimilate (i.e., wearing masks) were positively and significantly associated with conformity, while countermeasures that were difficult to assimilate (e.g., personally collecting COVID-19-related information) were not associated with conformity. Conversely, there was no relationship between individuals’ BJW and their engagement in countermeasures, except for the intention to vaccinate; contrary to an initial prediction, a significant negative correlation was found between these variables among male participants. The reasons for this unexpected finding are discussed, along with the implications of this study’s other findings.

Key words : conformity, belief in a just world, countermeasures, COVID-19, intention to vaccinate

Kobe Gakuin University Journal of Psychology
2021, Vol.4, No.1, pp.23-30
