第4巻 第1号(2021年12月)

2021年 12月 第4巻 第1号 掲載 原著論文査読あり

  • 中国の在留邦人における文化適応課題の検討
  • A study on the intercultural adaptation tasks of Japanese nationals overseas in China:
    Based on an exploratory survey of awareness on cultural difference between Japan and China.
  • 毛  新華(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Xinhua Mao(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)
  • 清水 寛之(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Hiroyuki Shimizu(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)
  • 木村 昌紀(神戸女学院大学人間科学部)
  • Masanori Kimura(School of Human Sciences, Kobe College)

要 旨

 To clarify the intercultural adaptation tasks of Japanese nationals overseas in China, this study aims to obtain basic data on the perception and awareness of the differences between Japanese and Chinese culture through exploratory research. We conducted an open-ended questionnaire survey of 53 Japanese expatriates in four Chinese cities. In the survey, three questions were asked to elicit the characteristics of Chinese interpersonal relationships as perceived by Japanese, such as “What troubled you in your interpersonal relationship with Chinese people?”. The obtained descriptions were organized using the KJ method. The similar description for each question was classified as a small category, and small categories of similar meaning were classified as a middle category. After the common small categories were integrated with the middle categories by cross-sectionally organizing the three questions, the middle categories were examined longitudinally, and four big categories were extracted as higher-level concepts. Specifically, two middle categories, such as unique institutions and lifestyles, constituted “social institutional aspects,” seven middle categories, such as self-centeredness and strong self-expression, constituted “temperament and personality aspects,” six middle categories, such as disregard for privacy, constituted “interpersonal aspects,” and two middle categories, such as lack of responsibility, constituted “work aspects”. In the future, we will conduct a large-scale survey based on these findings to empirically examine the structure of intercultural adaptation tasks of Japanese nationals overseas in China.

Key words : Japanese nationals overseas, China, intercultural adaptation tasks, cultural difference.

Kobe Gakuin University Journal of Psychology
2021, Vol.4, No.1, pp.31-40
