第1巻 第1号(2018年12月)

2018年 12月 第1巻 第1号 掲載 原著論文査読あり

  • 制御焦点が創造性に与える影響
  • The effects of regulatory focus on creativity: Focusing on ought vs. ideal self-guide priming
  • 長谷 和久(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Kazuhisa Nagaya(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)

要 旨

 Previous research on regulatory focus has shown that a promotion focus (which is elicited by an approach orientation) facilitates creativity more than does a prevention focus (elicited by an avoidance orientation). In this study, it was examined whether this apparent superiority of promotion focus in promoting creativity is found when using another regulatory focus manipulation―that is, a manipulation that does not also elicit an avoidance orientation. This method was termed "ought vs. ideal self-guide priming." One hundred sixteen participants were asked to write down perceived duties (prevention focus) or ideals (promotion focus) to manipulate their regulatory focus. Subsequently, they completed the Unusual Uses Test (specifically, providing as many creative uses for a brick as they could). This test can assess various aspects of divergent thinking such as fluency (total number of responses), average creativity (average creativity score for the responses), and the number of creative ideas (number of creative responses that exceed a midpoint). Although there was no effect of the regulatory focus manipulation on fluency and average creativity, people with a promotion focus showed a higher number of creative ideas. The implications of this were discussed with reference to the approach/avoidance motivation.

Key words : regulatory focus, promotion focus, prevention focus, creativity

Kobe Gakuin University Journal of Psychology
2018, Vol.1, No.1, pp.5-10
