第6巻 第1号(2023年12月)

2023年 12月 第6巻 第1号 掲載 原著論文査読あり

  • 自己ルール影響下における言語刺激の提示が反応変動性におよぼす効果
  • Effects of presentation of verbal stimulus on response variability under self-rule influence:
    Examining individual differences using mindfulness
  • 村井 佳比子(神戸学院大学心理学部)
  • Keiko Murai(Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)

要 旨

  The purpose of this study is, through an experiment, to verify the effect of presentation of verbal stimulus under the influence of self-regulation, while examining whether the response variability of individuals is related to the degree of mindfulness. The experiment used involved 202 attendees from ages 18 to 29 that were randomly divided into four groups: a “control group” that played a simple PC game; a “question group” that was asked how they reacted after playing the game; an “VS group” that was given reflection as verbal stimuli after answering the questions; and a “gratitude group” that was presented with the verbal stimulus of appreciation for their cooperation after answering the questions. The results of the experiment revealed that questions cause a decline in the participants’ response variability and that presenting them with verbal stimuli may further decrease their response variability. Regarding individual differences, the results demonstrated that some property of mindfulness that enables people to focus on and engage in what is happening in the moment without any negative evaluation of their experiences may be less likely to decrease response variability. This suggests that it is important to find ways, in clinical situations, to enable clients to experience the “here and now” without evaluation, since any kind of communication may restrict the client’s behavior as long as language is used.

Key words : response variability, self-rule, verbal stimulus, mindfulness.
キーワード : 反応変動性,自己ルール,言語刺激,マインドフルネス

Kobe Gakuin University Journal of Psychology
2023, Vol.6, No.1, pp.1−9
